Patria 6x6 Cavs Cost

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CAVS Programme Expands with Germany's Involvement

Finland, Latvia, Sweden, and Germany Partner in Multinational Defense Initiative

Patria to Supply Armored Vehicles for the Programme

The Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) programme has welcomed Germany as its fifth participating country. Originally established by Finland and Latvia, the initiative was later joined by Sweden. The programme aims to develop and procure a new generation of 6x6 armored vehicles to enhance the defense capabilities of the participating nations.

Patria, a Finnish defense company, has been selected as the primary supplier of the armored vehicles for the CAVS programme. The company will provide 66 vehicle platforms, which will be customized to meet the specific requirements of each participating nation. The estimated cost of each Patria 6x6 is approximately 1066 million euros.

The addition of Germany to the CAVS programme marks a significant milestone in the initiative's development. Germany's involvement brings additional resources and expertise to the project, further strengthening the collaboration between the participating nations. The programme is expected to play a vital role in enhancing the defense capabilities of Finland, Latvia, Sweden, and Germany.